Fifi and Ally
Top Secret File
Codename "getthelondonlook"

Wow! Cool disguise - would never have guessed it was you!
Psst!... our VERY-close-second favourite place...
for something to eat before or after your shopping spree here is...
and we love it because all you have to do is cross Princes Square and sit either in the concourse or in the glorious cava bar to experience some of the best tapas served in Glasgow.
There's plenty of room for you to lay out everything you've picked up in Fifi and Ally.
[Fifi and Ally is virtually a next door neighbour for Barca. Just look out across the stylish Princes Square arcade and you'll see it with no problem.]
... so do you want to know what's keeping those 'in-the-know' folks talking about Fifi and Ally?
It's... where do they find all this stuff?
From cooky to clever, from silly to sexy, their ranges defy one simple description... but whatever they are, they are confident and sure of what they are about.
Go, girls!
Now... don't tell anyone else. And DO NOT reveal this Fifi and Ally top secret file and password.
We'll know.... And we'll track you down and make you smell my joke squirty flower!
I have LOTS more to reveal in this Top Secret File for Fifi and Ally, so click
to bookmark this page now and check back often. [Remember, once you have safely bookmarked any Top Secret File you never need to remember the password - it's always the last part of the URL address - easy! So for Fifi and Ally it's getthelondonlook. Got that? Great!]
And get yourself onto the VIP list below while it's still open, and I'll drop you a short email every time we reveal something new about Fifi and Ally.
Sssh!... our VERY top place...
for something to eat before or after your shopping spree here is...
and we love it because folks here are design-conscious, and will no doubt approve of your Fifi and Ally purchases... and you'll be served a fab Asian fusion meal.
While you pat yourself on the back for doing so well! Maybe a top-notch cocktail is in order too?
[From Princes Square, cross Buchanan Street and head down the narrow lane that is slightly to the right. Bar Soba is along here on the left.]
And remember you can grab your own page here to share your tips, photos and stories about
Fifi and Ally. Have fun!
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